The URC is a family of Christians who meet in local churches across England, Scotland and Wales, part of the worldwide family of Reformed Churches, a group of more than 70 million Christians.
The URC has around 37000 members in about 1,200 congregations – that is more than the number of M & S branches! These are served by more than 600 ministers. More than 50,000 people worship in our churches each week, and many more take part in the weekday activities of the churches.
The URC strives to be a hospitable and inclusive church where all, regardless of age, race, gender, sexual orientation or social status are warmly welcome. People in the URC worship God, pray, read the Bible and try to make a difference in their community. They support movements and charities working for justice and peace. We are trying to follow Jesus. We work very closely with other churches, bringing congregations together where we can.
You can read more about the United Reformed Church here: what-is-the-urc.pdf